The Private Division label acquires Roll7 (olliolli)

Sacred BackFlip for Private Division, the Take Two Interactive publishing labels, which today officials the acquisition of the Roll7 studio. The Developer of the Olliolli series joins the iron of the parent company in anticipation of the launch of Olliolli World, which will intervene in the course of this winter, before the term of the fiscal year concluded at the end of March. As often in such cases, the terms (financial) of the agreement have not been disclosed.

Founded in 2008 by Simon Bennett, John Robbins and Tom Hearty, Roll7 has built his reputation on the mechanics of his skateboard, which has gotten an episode, hoping to reach its final form with the World version. From the bottom of its massive gold pool, Simon Bennett, the co-CEO, enthusiastic about this partnership, declaring: Private Division has been an incredible edit partner for Olliolli World, and we are delighted to continue to develop as a studio within the label. An association that will allow the studio of continue to (SE) develop and (SE) set aim to concretize the ambition to become a leading global video game developer.

Take-Two buys 'OlliOlli World' developer Roll7 Even bell from Michael Works s side, Executive Vice President and Responsible for Private Division, who is pleased to welcome Roll7 alongside Verbal Space Program and other Ancestors: As a passionate team of extreme sports us -Aims, see how Roll7 combines the thrill of the competition with the Flow Zen in a video game is remarkable, and we are looking forward to sharing this phenomenon in the world with the exit of Olliolli World this winter.


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