Ubisoft: Not trend enough? Leadership floor should have reduced rolling female characters

In the course of a recent report for Bloomberg, Jason Schreier decided to take a look behind the scenes of Ubisoft and lead interviews with employees of the company.

As several developers who want to stay anonymous from traceable reasons, both the marketing department of Ubisoft as well as Chief Creative Officer Serge Hascoët of the more often in the creative design process of games should have mixed. As an example, in this case, the 2018 action role-play game "Assassin's Creed Odyssey" is called. According to the interviewed developers, this was originally donated with Kassandra only a female main character.

Leaderships obviously on the traction of female characters

Even if titles like the new "Tomb Raider Trilogy or Guerrilla Games" "Horizon: Zero Dawn" impressively demonstrated in recent years, that games with female heroes can also sell very well, doubt ubisoft bosses obviously at the traction female Characters. The resulting sequence: "Assassin's Creed Odyssey" pressure was also provided with a male hero in the form of Alexios.

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Assassin's Creed Odyssey: HUGE 300 Soldier Battle Gameplay (Spartan Conquest 4K) According to Bloomberg, developers were repeatedly forced to compromise to prevent Hascoët from intervenising and influencing the creative process or even set projects. "For example, Hascoët expressed his dislike for linear narrative and intermediate sequences. Among other things for videos that can be seen between the actual gameplay, to advance the narrative. The authors had to find ways to get his consent. According to the employees, this often included the installation of a strong male main character, "says Bloomberg.

The Creator of the Ubisoft Formula?

In recent years, Ubisoft had to have the allegation that the in-house Triple-A productions always had to be built on the same pattern. Ever larger open worlds, numerous collective articles and a given list of tasks led to the birth of the so-called Ubisoft formula. According to the report by Bloomberg, the concept underlying the Ubisoft formula is mainly due to Serge Hascoët's idea of ​​how modern games have to look at.

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Since both "Ghost Recon Breakpoint" as well as "The Division 2" were commercially disappointed, the internal position of Hascoët began to wobble. After Ubisoft initially reacted by the company built the editorial department broader, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot announced internal investigations this month to make the allegations of "toxic events" for the reason.

In the course of the whole Serge Hascoët was released by his duties, since a questionable handling of female employees was accused. When completed, the investigations with this step are far from what guillemot assured.

Source: Bloomberg

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